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Understanding Error messages on submission of Invoices to ACC

f your invoice to ACC fails to submit, read the error message to narrow down what might be causing the error.  NEVER DELETE THE INVOICE - THIS CAUSES ISSUES WITH THE BILLABLES WITHIN.

1.  The error message mentions SSL certificate - this usually means that your Healthlink Certificate has expired.  On receipt of your new Healthlink certificate each year, please update this in CMS - you will find the training link on this page.


2.  The error message says 500 Error - this can mean there are too many billable lines in the invoice - ACC allow MAX 200.  Remove enough lines to bring the total lines down to 200 or under.  To do this, tick the lines you wish to remove and then REMOVE ITEM/s.  The items will drop back into the INVOICE BUILDER.


3.  The error message says PROVIDER NOT CURRENTLY ACTIVE.  Check with ACC that the provider is on your current contract - if yes, check with the provider to see if they have recently made any changes - email address, phone number etc.  ACC may be waiting for confirmation of the changes and have temporarily blocked the provider.

4.  The error message says INVALID SERVICE CODE, SERVICE DATE OR CONTRACTIgnore the line item number the response from ACC has given - this will be wrong.  Are there any service codes in the billing you haven't used before?  SCIA4 is currently an issue - you will need to ask ACC procurement to add the code to your contract if you have been given this on a PO - they will only temporarily add for a given date range.  PACT - this is a non-contract code and should be entered manually through your ACC portal.  SCDNA - has your provider used the right suffix for their ACC pay level - eg.  are they a level 7 counsellor using SCDNA4 etc.?


5.  The error message says CLAIM NUMBERS SHOULD BE NO MORE THAN 12 CHARACTERS, ONLY LETTERS AND NUMBERS MAY BE USED.  Ignore the line item number the response from ACC has given - this will be wrong.

This will always be for a client/claim that has been recently added and this is the first time the client has been billed for on CMS.  Scroll through the invoice looking for SCGS, SCADM etc.  If you do stand alone Supported Assessments it could be a SCSA code too.  Click into the client name and then the claim number - are there any gaps, hidden spaces either at beginning or end of the claim number?  You will have to click edit to be able to physically see the hidden spaces.  If so, remove the gaps and SAVE.  Try submitting again.  This will be a process of elimination and does highlight the importance of accurate data entry.


6.  The error message says PO NUMBER IS TOO LONG, OR HAS DISALLOWED CHARACTERS IN IT.  Ignore the line item number the response from ACC has given - this will be wrong.

This will be for a recently added PO.  Go to Purchase Orders in the Management Menu and scroll down the list of PO numbers - it should be relatively easy to spot.  Correct the error and try submitting again.


7.  The Error Message says lines[6].accidentDate : That date is in the future; enter a date no later than today.

Ignore the line item quoted.  Go to CLAIMS, and click the Header ACCIDENT DATE twice - the latest date in time will appear - this will be for a date in the future - edit and SAVE.  Go back to your invoice and click SUBMIT.




If your error message is not listed above, please use the HELP CENTRE to request support.
