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Training Opportunities from Diane Clare


Supported Assessments
This interactive online workshop is to assist those quite new to completing Supported Assessments, as well as being a refresher for those more experienced. (PLEASE NOTE: This is not ACC endorsed training - it is a senior clinician's take).

Experienced clinical psychologist Diane Clare has been an ACC provider since the 1990s and has been providing Supported Assessments for the past few years since the start of the Sensitive Claims service. Diane will discuss what works and what can hinder you in your practice for delivering these assessments. She will also address your questions and comments. 


BPD 101
This interactive workshop is an introduction to skills for working with those with BPD, and will examine and address, the following questions regarding Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD):

  • What is personality?
  • How does personality become disordered?
  • What is Borderline Personality Disorder?
  • Why does BPD have such an impact on staff?
  • How is BPD most effectively managed and treated?
  • How do we support the client and their families effectively.

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