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ONLINE TRAINING "The DBT Bio-social Model: A Closer Look"

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The DBT Bio-Social Model: A Closer Look is training for all NZ Clinicians and Mental Health Workers.


Morning: The biological component of the bio-social theory through the lens of physiological sensitivity and reactivity.

Afternoon: The social component of the bio-social theory exploring interpersonal, familial, systemic and cultural invalidation providing evidence for why DBT is such an effective treatment for diverse populations.

Specialist Cover Assessments 101

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This 1- day webinar addresses the changes coming soon on what will be the new Assessment process under ACC for sexual abuse claims, changing over as of December 1, 2024. The term Supported Assessments is changing to Specialist Cover Assessment (SCA).

EMDR is coming to your town!

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Instead of you travelling to get trained in EMDR, I'm bringing the training to you! New EMDR training classes are now available in Rotorua, Palmerston North, Dunedin, and Auckland.