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How to Add a Purchase Order

Before a PO can be added a Client and Claim must exist in the system first. Links to learn how to add those are found after the instructions below.

  1. Locate the Client where this PO should be entered
  2. While viewing the Client Details find the Recent Claims block
  3. Find the Claim Number that corresponds to this PO and click the Add PO link
  4. While viewing the Add New PO form:
    • Confirm the Client Name and Claim Number match the PO you're about to enter
    • In the PO number field enter the PO number from ACC
    • Optional: In the PO description field enter a short description to help you and the provider understand what it's for
    • In the Contract field enter the contract.
      For example, if this PO is part of Sensitive Claims, enter "ISSC"
    • Optional: In the Start Date and End Date fields enter the dates that correspond to the valid start and end dates of this PO.
      Note: When a start and end date are set, this system will prevent a provider from billing outside this time span
  5. Click the Save & add lines button
  6. The page will reload and you will now be viewing the PO Line Items form
    • By default, this form loads with 1 line to start, more lines can be added by using the + at the end of this row, or by using the "Add [__] more items" widget below this first line you can add many lines instead of 1 at a time.
  7. While viewing the PO Line Items form, fill in the first row to get started:
    • In the Code field, enter the code from the PO. This field will auto look up codes for the contract you entered on the previous form.
    • In the Hours field enter the max available hours for this code/line
    • Optional: Enter a start and end date for this code if different from the dates you entered on the previous form
      Note: This is useful for setting a specific time span this line can be billed if it's shorter period of time then the rest of the PO.
    • Optional: Assign this line item, or service code, to a specific provider by selecting their name from the Provider select list
      Note: This feature must be enabled under the PO Settings in the System Dashboard to be able view or use.
  8. Repeat the previous step until you have entered all the line items
  9. Click the Submit button to save your work